ACT has released a new version of the 2021-2022 Preparing for the ACT Test Form 2176CPRE. This is a new test and is identical to the 2021 April ACT Form Z04. The test can be downloaded from this link: Preparing for the ACT 2021-2022 and my video explanations are at this link: Video Playlist 2021-2022 Preparing for the ACT test.
Review of The Official Beginner’s Guide for ACT 2020-2021
Here is a quick summary of what is new about The Official Beginner’s Guide for ACT 2020-2021 1st Edition that was released in February 2020.
PreACT Diagnostic Test: The guide provides online access to one full length PreACT diagnostic test that can be used by 9th to 12th graders(highly recommended for 10th graders) to predict student performance on the ACT test. This PreACT diagnostic test was originally administered as PreACT Form 16A in October of 2016.
ACT Practice Test (Form 20MC7): The guide contains one full length ACT practice test and this test is identical to the 2018 April ACT Test Form A09. The book also provides access to this same test in an online format.
My recommendation is to not buy this guide, and instead practice with the two original official tests that are included in this guide: PreACT Form 16A and 2018 April ACT Test Form A09.
ACT to allow section retesting and “superscore”
ACT to allow students to retake individual sections of the test beginning September 2020. Also an ACT composite score with the highest section scores will be provided, also known as an ACT “superscore”. More details from official ACT blog on superscoring.